
Sunday 31 January 2010

Flower Tattoos

Flower Tattoos
Flower Tattoos
Flower tattoos are often highly valued among women looking for their first piece of body art. It’s form and shape reminds us of the gentle platitudes of the female form and for the most part flower tattoos are of a feminine nature. But, the symbolism of the flower tattoo design depends entirely on the color and the genus of flowers indicated. Each indigenous flower has it’s own unique symbolic characteristics. Next to the ubiquitous rose, the iris is the most highly symbolized flower. With Christianity, the triple petals of the Iris came to symbolize the Holy Trinity. The colors of the Iris -blue and white- became associated with the Virgin Mary. The Archangel Gabriel is depicted holding the flower in his hand when he appeared to her, establishing it as a symbol of purity. In Medieval England, noblewomen often took the Iris as a symbol of virtue and had its image incorporated into their personal seal. The Violet, Hyacinth, and Narcissus are all flowers with names derived from Greek mythology. The Violet, for instance, took its name from the little nymph Io, much loved by Zeus. To avoid his wife’s jealousy, Zeus changed Io into a heifer and put her in a field of sweet purple violets!

Flower Tattoos
Flower Tattoos
This is a perfect example of a flower tattoo that is rich in symbolism. Depicted in the photo is a cherry blossom being suckled by a butterfly. Both the flower and the butterfly are quite symbolic on their own merit but when combined a whole new dimension is added. The cherry blossom is a symbol of female beauty and sexuality. It’s also a symbol of the fragility of life. Everything that was ever born will die and that is reflected in the frail, but beautiful pale petals of the cherry blossom. It was a symbol that is favored among the Samurai nobles of ancient japan. It reminded them that everyday death is beckoning to them and that one day they will have to face their mortality. The butterfly is also a symbol of the feminine gender but it’s also a symbol of the impermanent and fleeting. When combined the two symbols in one flower tattoo represent the fleeting nature of physical beauty and sexuality. This flower tattoo expresses the divine beauty of youth which will eventually come to an end. It is reminiscent of the spring which burst forth ripe with color and then slowly fades as the seasons transition to summer, then fall and eventually winter.

Saturday 30 January 2010

Lion Tattoos

Lion Tattoos
Lion Tattoos
The lion tattoo is often a beautiful and contradictory symbol in tattooing today. These creatures embody pride, strength, nobility and loyalty. Yet, at the same time they can be symbols of savagery, fear and are sometimes depicted as being vain. The Lion was often used as a symbol of Royalty, as in many cultures it was considered the "King of the Beasts". In early Christianity, as Jesus was seen to be the "King of Kings", he was often represented by a Lion, and a Lion was the symbol of St. Mark. The Lion is mentioned many times in the Bible and the time when a Lion lays with a Lamb is seen as the dawning of a New Age. In African cultures the Lion was a powerful symbol in many Creation Myths, as both Creator and Destructor, and in some cultures the Lion figured prominently in rites of passages to becoming a man and full-fledged warrior. To kill a lion single-handedly was the height of prowess for a hunter. But in many African fables the Lion is often depicted as a vain, arrogant creature who is often out-witted by smaller more clever creatures. So, as you can clearly see the lion tattoo has many different meanings to different people.

Lion Tattoos
Lion Tattoos
Very few things in history have stood for as much as the lion when it comes to tattoos, or any other sort of thing. At one time or another the lion has been worshipped and revered by many of the peoples throughout this world. Firstly is the obvious. When you see lion tattoos you think of speed, agility, the king of the beasts and all of that good stuff. Including of course the lion as the astrological symbol of Leo and as such represents the sun.
The lion tattoos also stand for power and courage and everybody likes to be thought of as these things so that could be one reason why lion tattoos are so popular. This particular picture of a lion tattoo is a nice one. It’s a lion who seems to be sitting in contentment as it looks out over it’s domain, knowing it has nothing out there to fear. But just like it sits there content we can see in its eyes that this cat is not to messed with in any way, shape or form. The best advice would be to walk around and give it a wide birth. Maybe that’s what people with lion tattoos are saying to others. Leave me alone and you’ll be better off.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Armband Tattoos

Armband Tattoos
Armband Tattoos
Armband tattoos are some of the most popular type of tattoo designs to this day. If you think about it the reasons are pretty clear. The armband tattoo can make a very sharp statement and it’s also one that can be proudly shown when the person wants to, but it can also be hidden the sleeves of your shirt if you need to. Armband tattoo designs can be as complicated as the person wants them to be. Finally, armband tattoos can look good on members of either sex, men or women. Another great thing about an armband tattoo is that armband tattoo designs run the gambit among many different styles. A whole lot of different and varied designs can be used with as much or as little detail as the bearer wants. That’s why Celtic armband tattoos have become the rage, because of the complexity of the design. I particularly like the chain link effect of Celtic tattoo designs. The armband tattoo in the picture is a perfect example. It combines the tradition Celtic knot work into a design that is both striking and very original. And I like the way the ends curl up to make "devils horns". I think it’s a classic example of what can be done with an armband tattoo.

Armband Tattoos
Armband Tattoos
There are many different types of traditional armband tattoos. There are tribal and Celtic armband tattoos and of course popular Polynesian designs, which is where the armband tattoo originated from. Armband tattoos have been used for centuries in the Polynesian islands, and because of the exploration that went on in the seventeenth century, the idea was brought to Europe around that time. Today’s Hawaiian band tattoos are a remnant of that ancient tradition. Of course, the Polynesian islanders used a different tattooing technique, a very painful one in fact, where a shark’s tooth was sometimes used to pierce the skin. Their tribal armband tattoos would still be much admired however. In fact, modern armband tattoo designs incorporate many elements of these traditional Polynesian designs. Among the Hawaiians and the other Polynesian islanders, an armband tattoo showed rank or status. Interestingly, they had much the same function as armbands sewn onto military uniforms. So, that’s a possible symbolism you can include into your armband tattoo design. But, regardless of what meaning you attribute to them, armband tattoos will probably remain one of the most popular types of tattoo, because of their high visual impact and the great range of images that can be adapted to this type of tattoo.

feminin tattoos on lower back

feminin tattoos
feminin tattoos on lower back

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Memorial tattoo

Memorial tattoo If you are considering a memorial tattoo, take your time. This is a choice that will be with you for the rest of your life, and it's worth taking some time to consider.

Saturday 23 January 2010

Tattoos are point of attraction

Tattoos are point of attractionTattoos looks rattling bonny and nobody crapper miss this mental exteroception and its my actual undergo that those who hit tattoos over different parts of embody parts takes much more attention of public comparison to those girls and gals who doesn�t hit tattoos.
Tattoos are point of attractionNow tattoos become the attraction point and to intend the attention of open peoples are attractive much more interest in tattooing and I think it�s the factual thing.
Tattoos are point of attractionTattoos are confident to convert the personality of some ultimate ordinary mortal into very stylish modern person.

Tattoos tells the manner of person - 学习写中文

Tattoos tells the manner of personNow day�s tattoos are in flooded obligation and there is most popular intellection is going on all around the concern that with tattoos your fashion is not completed.
Tattoos tells the manner of personI same tattoos and same me maximum numbers of persons same tattoos and I think cardinal proportionality of population likes tattoos and only twenty proportionality of population doesn�t same tattoos.
Tattoos tells the manner of personTattoos indicates the nature type of any person means peak sort of persons believes that those persons are having tattoos over their embody parts are of disturbed and funky type of nature.

Everybody loves tattoos

Everybody loves tattoosTattooing becomes the worlds sort one process according to their demand and it all happens by its growing demand actually peoples of every age now primed to entertainer tattoos on assorted parts of their body.
Everybody loves tattoosCraze of tattoos simply looks around us more than eighty percent of peoples love tattoos and only twenty percent of peoples are against tattoos.
Everybody loves tattoosEvery single tattoo indicates something means every tattoo having any reason behind it, everything is ok but if it comes to me then I will say I am also the tattoos lover.

Tattoos are made by permanent ink

Tattoos are made by permanent inkUnlimited things are present every over the world finished which you can advert your lovely persons those are now not present in this world but I think every these things can be destroyed by different unknown reasons.
Tattoos are made by permanent inkTattoos are the prizewinning option available nearby you through whom you can remember your selection persons because it cannot be destroyed from any lateral because it�s not washable and cannot be removed by ordinary washing.
Tattoos are made by permanent inkTattoos are designed by permanent ink which goes beneath of your wound means without surgery or some medical treatment it cannot be removed.

Cross tattoo Design

Cross tattoo DesignThis is a best cross tattoos design, that is rattling pleasant and no lateral effect on your body. This cross tattoos
design is rattling good looking body art. This body prowess represent Christian establishment and people conceive in control of God Jesus get Cross tattoos considered on various parts of their body prowess express their sanctimonious state of organism and captivating insusceptible to every identify of outside harmful forces as well.
Cross tattoo DesignFashion
of receiving carved Cross Tattoo Designs on dissimilar parts of body art has engulfed not exclusive Christian society in the world. Besides symbolize the best civility for Savior Christ, Cross Tattoo Designs are use as a division of style by people.
Cross tattoo DesignThere are whatever of old Cross Tattoo Designs just like as Celtic tattoo, Tribal tattoo, Old and stylish school tattoo, Cross being careful a blessed symbol with Christians is favored by the Christians to continue always nearby them and spend them from every kind of grievous services. Craze of Cross Tattoo Designs has process every over world making innumerable grouping crazy for Cross Tattoo Designs, which every one youngness specifically the girls favor to wear over their chest, hands and back of body.

Sexy Black Rose Tattoo

Sexy Black Rose Tattoo

Sunday 17 January 2010

Free Tattoo Designs helps

Free Tattoo Designs helpsFree Tattoo Designs are widely used all over the concern by both girls and boys actually Free Tattoo
Designs provides very big support for the beginners those who are going to create tattoos over different part of their body parts.
Free Tattoo Designs helpsI am also in the mood to draw whatever tattoos over my body parts and after whatever instance I will meet different Free Tattoo Designs providing websites for an intent which tattoos design meet my personality.
Free Tattoo Designs helpsMaximum number of persons likes tattoos and I am also digit from these kinds of collection peoples so Free Tattoo Designs are the prizewinning thing after tattooing.

Best Arm Tattoos drawn more compares to any other tattoo design

Best Arm Tattoos drawn more compares to any other tattoo designBest Arm Tattoos are widely used all over the concern because limb is our body conception essentially seen free so that every tattoo lovers like to make tattoos over their arms.
Best Arm Tattoos drawn more compares to any other tattoo designI also whatever of stylish Best Arm Tattoos over my hand, in any another body parts of our body these tattoos not only seen but in arm tattoos you don’t intend this difficulty so I think peoples love to create arm tattoos.
Best Arm Tattoos drawn more compares to any other tattoo designBest Arm Tattoos comes in my favorite tattoos and I same it more compare to some other organisation of tattoos and I think same me many of you are thinking same.

Friendship Tattoos

Friendship TattoosAs we all famous rattling well that worlds most popular day Valentine day is going to be arrived also if we countenance this in another lateral then we can feature that friendship day and its confirm Friendship Tattoos
are highly drawn in this incoming remarkable day.
Friendship TattoosFriendship Tattoos are widely drawn by every age boy and girls or we can say that these friendship tattoos are specially used by teenagers because in this age friendships are commonly happen by different friends.
Friendship TattoosI really like Friendship Tattoos because in this tattoos I look actual feeling between two actual friend or we can say that those who are actual friends those only create relationship tattoos.

Stars under unicorn tattoo on the arm

Star TattooStars under unicorn tattoo on the arm

Simple star tattoo on the man's shoulder

Simple star tattoo on the man's shoulder

Three stars tattoo on the sleeve

Star TattooThree stars tattoo on the sleeve

Friday 8 January 2010

Horny Tattoos Favorite

Horny Tattoos FavoriteSexy Tattoos are largely drawn all over the globe and no some another tattoos organisation can competite this horny organisation because of their attractive attendance and those want to look more horny basically creates this kind of tattoos.
Horny Tattoos FavoriteI hit seen in my chronicle and it’s my individualized undergo that maximum number of persons uses horny tattoos more compares to some other tattoos designs.

Uncountable tattoos designs are present all over the globe but its confirm that horny tattoos are largely used because if it comes to me then I will say may it process the sexed power or some thing else that’s ground many peoples prefers horny tattoos more, I also hit some horny tattoos over different part of my body parts and for those tattoos I attracts many sweeties that’s ground horny tattoos are my favorite tattoos.

Beautiful Feminine Pisces Tattoos

Beautiful Feminine Pisces TattoosBeautiful Feminine person Tattoos comes in the category of decorous tattoos and I have seen basically used these kind of tattoos in remembrance of their girl friends who are alive or those who are not present in this world.
Beautiful Feminine Pisces TattoosThose who were love their lovers very deeply and cod to some individualized reason she in not with his boyfriend these types of persons essentially use Beautiful Feminine person Tattoos as remembrance of their sweetie.

Actually in Beautiful Feminine person Tattoos essentially tattoos in the form of human grappling is drawn in different body parts, I hit seen in my life that essentially grappling is drawn in Beautiful Feminine person Tattoos, some of my friends hit also drawn these kind of tattoos in remembrance of their girlfriends.

Arm Tattoo Designs Looks Very Beautiful

Arm Tattoo Designs Looks Very Beautiful Arm Tattoo Designs
comes in the category of those designs widely used every over the world, it’s my personal experience and I hit seen this peak sort of persons wish to create tattoos
mostly on their arms.
Arm Tattoo Designs Looks Very Beautiful Arms are the body parts of human body mostly which is not covered by our clothing’s, mostly teenagers and adults wears tees and in tees your arms are not covered and tattoos over your arm attract other to look you.
Arm Tattoo Designs Looks Very Beautiful Basically Arm Tattoo Designs looks rattling beautiful and attractive and improves the beauty of some normal person; I mean to say these Arm Tattoo Designs are confident to change the personality of some simple mortal into rattling modern smart person.

New Badly Tattoos Design

New Badly Tattoos DesignWhat a ascendant would feature she is normal before a daughter same this? Not so much for the girl itself, which could also be a beautiful and generous source of recreation and surprises and this a tattoo crapper be sexy, provocative, vulgar, ugly, seriously designed, incomprehensible, disturbing, brilliant, ironic, and so on. But this is truly obscene. Personally I hope that this is a photomontage, a huge butterfly on the butt does not attain me come to mind null legendary!

And I think this design
is not exhibit ant side gist and not expensive and generally seriously tattoos is represent by nude posse, just see the light to see who module be the instrument of his impact but the rest is a matter of genetics, the picture it has in its DNA and it is a passion which still invests all his energy. Any identify tattoos organisation just same crosss tattoos is a identify of Badly Tattoos design

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Tattoos Sexy Over Different Parts

Tattoos Sexy Over Different PartsFree Tattoo
Designs are mostly used every over the concern or we can feature that these designs wage best examples for the beginners who are feat to create tattoos over different parts of their body.
Tattoos Sexy Over Different PartsUncountable Free Tattoo Designs providing websites and blogs are available around us provides numerous tattoos designs before tattooing, actually these liberated tattoos designs gives an intent for activity which kind of tattoo suits
your personality.
Tattoos Sexy Over Different PartsIf you are in mood to draw tattoos over your body parts then these Free Tattoo Designs are the prizewinning assets available near you provides very big help before tattooing.